How to Make Fido an Incredible Pet Through Dog Training

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뉴토끼 No one enjoys dealing with a misbehaving pet, but knowing how to properly train your pup can make all the difference in making him or her a well-mannered and welcomed addition to any household. Dog training is the key to creating an ideal bond between you and your dog based on mutual respect, love, trust and understanding.


What You Need to Know Before Starting Dog Training

The first step to dog training is to understand what motivates the particular breed of dog you own. Not all breeds respond to the same training methods, and it is important to research the specific needs of your fur baby. For example, some breeds need to be physically active and if not provided with enough opportunities to exercise, may become restless and unhappy resulting in undesirable behaviors such as barking and jumping.

In addition, as with housebreaking a puppy, dog training requires patience, consistency, and dedication. It is a process that should be approached in the same manner you would teach a child – rewarding good behavior, and correcting bad behavior without anger or punishment.

Proper Dog Training Techniques

One of the most important techniques to remember when dog training is positive reinforcement. Positive reinforcement includes praises, treats, and other forms of rewards that motivate the pup to obey commands. Over time, the pup will begin to associate certain praise words with desirable behaviors and will begin to react when prompted.

In contrast, it is important to refrain from punishing the dog for wrong behavior. This includes scolding them or using physical punishments. Dogs usually misbehave due to confusion or boredom, and punishing them simply causes fear and resentment which is counterproductive to building a strong loving relationship. Instead, redirect the pup’s energy in a positive way by encouraging them to switch activities if they are exhibiting destructive behaviors.

Understanding Limitations

It is also important to recognize your dog’s limitations and act accordingly. For instance, puppies may not have the attention span to go beyond a few minutes of concentrated practice. It is important to exercise caution and understand when the pup has reached its limit in order to avoid exhausting them.

It is also essential to set realistic goals to ensure your pup’s success in completing their training. Start off with simple commands that the pup is familiar with such as “sit” and “stay” then gradually introduce more challenging ones. Doing so in small steps gives the pup the best chance of succeeding while avoiding frustrating and overwhelming situations.

Be Patient and Reward Progress

Last but not least, do not forget to show your appreciation to your pup when he or she completes tasks. When your pup exhibits the correct behavior, reward them with praise, treats, and even extra cuddle time. This will create a stronger bond with your pup while reinforcing the behavior you want to see repeated.

Dog training requires time and practice to master, and there will be mistakes along the way. Stay consistent and patient, and remember to always speak to your pup with respect and kindness. Be sure to keep sessions short and fun, and you will soon be able to reap the rewards of owning a perfectly behaved pooch.